‘DINZA’ volume #35.

Green Dome theatre was the source of Mongolian culture and art. Theatrical performance is one of the greatest of arts. Jijgee and Dinza are in the past to experience the art performance. But the most important task is to rescue their new friend.

Life lessons and value to the children:

  • Giving up one’s thinking and reasoning ability is a tragedy, and every era has its revolutionaries.
  • There is no bad people but a bad leader
  • Scoundrels enjoy and multiply when the people of the nation is in darkness
  • Art is the source of social development
  • About the Green Dome theatre

About comic series
Dinza comic series are comprised of 46 volumes and the main story includes a young boy Jijgee and his pet dinosaur Dinza who in all odds overcome all the difficult and almost impossible situations with their courage and wit. In order to fight the evil of current times, the boy and Dinza the dinosaur will time travel into the past, and by correcting the past actions and mistakes, they will save humanity in the future. Their story will span from millions of years in the past to current times. The new series will include ancient civilizations, and history of earth and reality of the cosmos and the universe at large.


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